Information of use/interest to residents is included under the headings below. To view the relevant section, click on the appropriate section heading arranged in alphabetical order.
RMA Ltd. was formed in 1990 when the newly formed residents association purchased the freehold of the mews roadway from Lemdean Properties Ltd, the latest of a number of owners over the years during which the properties were developed. By the late 1980s, Lemdean’s interest in the mews had all but ceased with the large majority of the owners of the new houses having acquired their freeholds from Lemdean leaving only the roadway in its ownership.
RMA is a private limited company in which each mews freeholder (No’s 1-34 & 38) is a shareholder in RMA Ltd. For historical reasons, No’s 36 & 37 Ruston Mews, formerly 6 & 7 Cervantes Court, are not eligible to be shareholders of RMA as they were originally part of the Cervantes Court development which has its address in St Marks Road. No 38, however, was admitted to the association as a quid pro quo for a substantial loan made to RMA in 1995 by the current owners that allowed the construction of the gate and road resurfacing to be undertaken.
The Association is run on a voluntary basis and all of RMA’s directors resign and are either elected or re-elected at the yearly AGM. General meetings are normally kept to the AGM, but shareholders with particular concerns can request an Extraordinary General Meeting if they have a minimum of 5 other shareholders co-signing the motion for consideration.
The main aims of RMA are as follows:
- To carry out the maintenance of the mews and the gate via appointed contractors
- To ensure that services such as lighting, street cleaning and drain clearing are provided
- To manage issues with parking and the enforcement of parking rules agreed by the Association
- To represent and protect the shareholders’ interests in interactions with other parties
- To identify, cost, and with majority shareholder approval, undertake capital projects that enhance the value of the mews for residents living within the mews
- To do the above within prudent financial management principles that ensure that where, possible, no sudden unplanned increases in annual subscriptions are required
Shareholders pay a small yearly service charge to RMA toward the upkeep of the street and this amount is agreed at the Association’s AGM.
Fully paid up shareholders are issued with a Residents’ Parking Permit and one book of Visitor permits. Any shareholder that does not pay their annual subscription to RMA will become in arrears to the Association and will forfeit their voting and parking rights until such arrears are cleared.