Information of use/interest to residents is included under the headings below. To view the relevant section, click on the appropriate section heading arranged in alphabetical order.
Parking is a valuable asset for residents, something which as a private road we are able to manage to suit ourselves rather than have rules imposed on us by the local authority. To manage the parking in the mews, RMA runs a system of Resident Parking Permits which allows parking anywhere in the mews together with a Day Ticket system where visitors can park in the Visitors’ Area (see below) outside the gate.

Residents’ Permits are not for transfer or trade between residents or those outside the mews. However, if you want to give your permit to a neighbour or guest on a short term basis, this is acceptable. RMA may cancel permits where their use contravenes the Terms & Conditions of Use.
There is a generally accepted norm established over many years that it is best if residents park outside their own houses. However, due to the limited width of the newer houses, it is often not physically possible for 20 normal or larger cars to fit at the same time and as such, there can sometimes be difficulties with parking. If this happens, the Visitors’ Area can be used on a temporary basis as an overflow. The RMA Residents Permits can also be used outside the gate so there is no need to use a Day Ticket in this case.
Another impact of this flexible parking policy is that garage access can often be impeded, either through overlapping parking on the newer houses or with vehicles opposite for the older houses. The best way of resolving this is for residents to work with their neighbours to help them access their garages when they need to. If we work in this way, we can maximise available parking and access and avoid petty bureaucratic parking restrictions that would ultimately reduce the number of spaces and the flexibility we have for parking in the mews.
Because of specific parking proximity problems at the cul-de-sac end of the mews (No’s 13, 14 & 15) due to overlapping frontages, 2 spaces for houses 13 and 15 are currently allocated at the end of the mews just inside the gate. Please avoid occupying these spaces together with the space outside of No.38. Many newer residents may not know that without a loan from the owners of No.38, Ruston Mews might still be a pot-holed mews with no gate.
To deter non-residents from parking in the Mews, RMA uses a parking enforcement company – MET Parking Services Ltd. They work on a 24-hour basis. MET will issue a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) to any cars not showing a valid permit and they will ignore notes in car windows. MET will wait 5 minutes before issuing a PCN to unauthorised vehicles in the mews but there will be no waiting time for unauthorised vehicles in the Visitor’s Area outside the gate.
Current charges are £100 which reduces to £50 if paid within 14 days with a reduced fee of £25 for a first offence each fiscal year (proof of residence & vehicle ownership required). Those who do not pay their PCNs will be subject to further charges and possible court action from MET. MET take photos of vehicles they ticket and these are available free of charge to residents that wish to contest their fines. Please contact MET directly in this instance.
If you wish to appeal a PCN, please ensure that you include a stamped addressed return envelope (SAE) with your appeal letter and phone MET to check that your appeal has been received
To ensure that you are not issued with a PCN, please ensure that your Residents Permit is properly displayed, ideally located on the left side of the windscreen by the tax disc as per the Terms & Conditions of the Permit. Permits left on the car’s dashboard are liable to slip down under the windscreen which may result in a PCN, so please try to avoid this practice.
On the authorisation of an RMA director, vehicles may be clamped and removed which will incur extra charges and storage costs.
Residents who have outstanding PCNs will not be issued with a new Residents’ Permit until these are cleared.
Day Tickets are for use outside the gate only. Please ensure that you utilise these spaces sensibly so that others can park behind or in front of you. If you park nose on in the space just before the gate, you can get out easily by opening the main gate and driving through it before reversing out into St Marks Road.
Please note that a PCN will be issued if Day Tickets are used inside the gate at any time.
After you have used your free book of 10 Day Tickets that come when the annual subscription is paid, further books cost £10 for the first 3 extra books & £25 for subsequent books in any fiscal year (March to April). This rise in cost of Day Ticket books is to ensure that the Visitors’ Area is kept available for visitors only and deter residents from keeping second vehicles in the mews. It also helps ensure that any businesses operating in the mews pay a fair price for parking for their regular visitors – £2.50 per day is good value for W11. If any businesses start to dominate the parking spaces, RMA may decide not to issue further Day Tickets so as to free up parking for genuine visitors.
Contact RMA if you need extra Day Tickets.
If you lose or misplace your permit you can obtain a replacement for £25. Please contact RMA.
There are currently no restrictions on parking motorcycles in the mews but please try to park you bike sensibly utilising free spaces around the cars whenever you can.
When the mews is full, reasonably priced alternative parking is available at the sports centre at the bottom of Lancaster Road where it joins Silchester Road. A location map is provided here: